Meet the JDI team


Professional Background

Adam has spent his entire career investing in and advising small and medium-sized enterprises. He has worked with companies across Canada, the UK, India and China. In May of 2022, Adam joined his friend and former colleague, Jonathan Draycott, as Co-President of JDI Cleaning Services and transitioned to the role of Director in April 2023. Adam enjoys learning new things and he is always looking for new challenges and problems to solve. He subscribes to the simple philosophy of always doing your best and treating other people the way you want to be treated.

Fun Facts

Adam loves sports, especially hockey and Bishop’s University football, and spending time with his family.


How do you live up to JDI's core value of helping people shine?

Adam strives to show up daily with a positive attitude and to let everyone he interacts with at JDI know how much he appreciates their contribution to the company.

what separates an acceptable clean from a brilliant clean?

Going the Extra Inch. Looking for small details from previous customer feedback notes, like ensuring that all the washroom fixtures are gleaming, and trying to really dazzle the customer with how their facility looks after a JDI clean.

How do you live up to JDI's core value of being deeply dedicated?

Adam asks that JDI’s franchise partners never be satisfied with the effort they put into serving their customers and to always continue to look for more ways to live up to JDI’s core values. Adam tries to live this every day instead of only some days, which is his definition of being deeply dedicated.

How do you live up to JDI's core value of dazzling customers?

Whenever possible Adam enjoys surprising our Regional Directors, and Local Franchise Partners, and cleaning customers with an act of kindness. If he can create a positive feeling in any member of the JDI team, he tries to make it happen.

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